Sunday, August 17, 2008

Feeling So Much Better

I've been a sad, hurt puppy for the last couple of weeks. I had teeth extracted and braces put on and I am not young (at least not compared to my nephew, who is nearly 30 years younger than me and had his braces put on at the same time). But, I am feeling better now and very happy to be able to chew semi-solid food again.

The photo above is looking out the garage door last Sunday evening between storms. We had very dramatic weather that day, and the intensely bright rainbow was no exception. If you look closely, you can see a second arc above.

I have not been on a hike due to travel and this whole mouth makeover, but I will be hiking on Wednesday so more gorgeous photos will be posted soon. I did, however, get a lot of knitting done while lying around:

These are the Belle Epoque socks from 2-at-a-Time Socks by Melissa Morgan Oakes in the most lovely yarn - Socks that Rock Mediumweight in Tlinget. The yarn is almost black, but has a bit of fuschia and green showing through the black dye. What a neat pattern and the finished socks are warm and thick. It almost makes me wish for winter (almost). In any case, the socks turned out just great.
In other news, John bought a new (old) bike. It's from the early 1880's and does not have brakes. In this photo he is riding in front of our house with a very goofy grin. He is so happy! People driving by slow down to see this crazy guy and his old bike. He took the photo with the self-timer which is why it is so blurry. I'll try to take another of him soon.

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