Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cascade Creek Trail

On June 2, 2008, Linda, Kenna (Linda's dog) and I hiked the Cascade Creek Trail. The trailhead is about 27.5 miles north of Durango on Hwy 550. It was a nice trail with lots of ups and downs following Cascade Creek. There were a few steep spots, and even some muddy areas of the trail, but overall it was a great hike.

This is looking back towards the trailhead to the east. Linda and I really like the meadows that open up on trails like this. Kenna is just out of sight sniffing around.

It was pretty loud along Cascade Creek, but most of the trail was high above in the piney forest. This is one of the rare crossings of the creek.

There were hundreds and hundreds of Blue Columbines before the trailhead. Here's just one example. If you want to see more, click here to go to my flickr set. They were really beautiful this week.

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