Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Playing Catch-Up - Part 2

The girls and I hiked the Vallecito Creek Trail on June 11.

From the left we have Marcia, Linda holding Kenna's collar, Lynn, Celia, Kim and Elaine. Behind them is the canyon containing Vallecito Creek, looking north.

The trailhead is on the far northeastern side of Vallecito Reservoir, about 25 miles east of Durango. This is a very rocky trail, and it follows the canyon carved by Vallecito Creek which was full of water from the spring runoff. In some places, the water was so loud we had to shout to be heard! We saw many wildflowers along the trail:

So now we're all caught up! The last hike of the month was Elbert Creek, and you can see that post here.

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